MTSCO at Düsseldorf: Learning From Experience And Expanding New Opportunities for Cooperation
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MTSCO at Düsseldorf: Learning From Experience And Expanding New Opportunities for Cooperation

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The MTSCO team has just returned from a customer visit focused on Düsseldorf. Our CEO - Monica, who was in charge of the exhibition, shared with us her experience of the show and discussed with you the current challenges and opportunities.


Exhibition display: show products, attract customers

MTSCO has previously participated in various industry exhibitions, including EGYPS, OTC, IPA, AOG, and ADIPEC. This year, our exhibition team comprised our CEO and market leaders with over ten years of industry experience. This large and high-quality team drew a significant number of customers to our booth, making it one of the busiest spots in the entire area. We actively communicate and cooperate with customers from all over the world, and many of them have reached cooperation directly on the spot, and some of them have also initiated the demand for visits and factory inspections to us, which is a very good result.


Insight into industry challenges and opportunities

During the show, we also heard some different voices, such as "we can't accept materials from China and India", which made us think a lot. That is, until we attended a lecture in the exhibition hall, where the speaker talked about the challenges facing the steel pipe industry.

"from 2020 onwards, the cost of steel pipe production is rising in every country, while the cost in China has only risen by 2%. Therefore, we must realize, that we are facing disruptive times and the challenges ances for our tube and pipe industry are regionally quite different around the globe.Technological expertise, flexibility and digitalisation are key to conquermanding market requirements."

Technical expertise, flexibility and digitization are exactly what MTSCO has been striving for.

" So far innovations and entrepreneurship has always allowed our industry to remain sustainable and profitable.This positve mood shall lead our way."

At the show, we heard mixed voices, with some expressing their inability to accept materials from China and India, but also customers saying, " you never know". When seeing our peers and even competitors trying to find customers in various ways, I realized, " you never know how hard work". As long as we keep the spirit of going forward, this spirit will be the force that drives us to keep progressing.

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Customer visits: face-to-face interaction with customers

After the exhibition, we are also actively involved in customer visits. The MTSCO team went all over the world to meet and interact with companies and organizations. This not only gives us a deeper understanding of the local market, but also expands our business network. During our exchanges with local companies, we have discovered a number of potential cooperation opportunities, which further enriches our partner resources.

Monica shared a flight experience from one of her client visits. Her neighbor was a traveler from Latvia who not only kindly offered a window seat, but also exchanged passports, demonstrating warm human interaction. Coincidentally, he worked on an LNG ship, one of the applications for our products. This experience helped me visualize our company's mission -Make industrial construction better: wherever we are in the world, our work is interconnected in unexpected ways, contributing to the harmony and progress of the global community. Our efforts at MTSCO are not only fulfilling a mission, but also building a closer and more sustainable world.


See you at ACHEMA Frankfurt

This exhibition experience is extremely valuable and has made MTSCO's development direction clearer: to pursue a higher level of professionalism. After the previous Industry Study 1.0, we will now launch the more in-depth Industry Study 2.0, in which MTSCO is committed to deepening our understanding of market demand and technology trends, and enhancing our professional capabilities to better serve our customers. In addition, we are looking forward to more face-to-face communication opportunities with our customers. Therefore, this exhibition is just the beginning, and we will continue to strengthen our interaction with customers in the future.

The next ACHEMA exhibition provides us with excellent opportunities. You are cordially invited to attend the ACHEMA 2024 in Germany from June 10 to 14, 2024, MTSCO's booth is located at Hall 9-A9. We look forward to meeting you there!







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